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Blog Post - B4 (Broadway)

Despite always hearing about famous Broadway musicals, I have never been able to really become interested in a Broadway show. Seeing that my next blog post would have to be about Broadway made me worry that I would be bored when going through the Stage Door Blog. I was surprised to see that some of the Broadway show had been adapted from or adapted into movies. I thought that it would be interesting to watch and read about the similarities, differences, and origins of some musicals.

The Color Purple was originally a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel from the 80s. Having known this prior to reading through the blog, this had caught my attention. Have seen various parts of the film version on TV I had never knew that it had been adapted into a Broadway musical. I surely thought that a film that was famous for its wonderful score would have a hard time transitioning to a new medium, but The Color Purple has recently had newfound success in its revival of its Broadway run. It has won 2 Tony Awards, and one Grammy award as recent as last year, including a Tony for "Best Revival of A Musical."

In addition to The Color Purple, I had found another one of de Quinta's blog post fun to read and watch. I always enjoy the holiday season, and to get to see Broadway renditions of Christmas classics was a treat. In this blog post, de Quinta goes over many famous artists' renditions of Have Your Self A Merry Little Christmas, which has been a staple for the holiday ever since Sinatra had sung it decades ago. Meet me in St. Louis is a movie that de Quinta really seems to love, as he opens and concludes his post drawing everything back to this film and its "wonderful musical numbers." Never having heard of this film has made wonder if I have missed any holiday classics simply because they were from Broadway musicals.


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